
Your days in uniform may have ended, but that doesn’t mean you are cut off from Scouts.

Adults play a vital role in supporting our youth-led program. You are not limited when it comes to helping out at Scouts. You may choose to be a regular or one-time helper for particular activities, Group committee member, fundraising volunteer or a Group Leader. All supporters are required to undergo a Working With Children Check. Click here to find out about Adult Support in Scouting, or contact your local group to see how you can get involved.

Self-development and Educational Outcomes

  • Skills for life – independent thinking, leadership, problem-solving skills, social skills, taking responsibility.
  • Challenging activities – physical and intellectual – in the Scout Hall, outdoors (bushwalking and water sports), large-scale events (Jamborees).
  • Activities are designed to be fun, adventurous and create a strong sense of community.

Local Community Contribution

Scouts brings you together with your local community, creating a sense of belonging, and giving you the chance to develop a network and extended family and make a contribution.