Tag Archives: Joey Scouts

Photography Pro

Grab a photographic device, dig down, get creative, and channel your inner pro photographer with this fun Photo Scavenger Hunt! All Cubs need a photographic […]

Bee Hotels

You’re spending time in your own home, but ever thought of building a home for some of your native bees? Lots of Australia’s native bees […]

Rube Goldberg Machine

Want to solve simple tasks whilst being deliberately funny, silly and incredibly over the top? Try the Rube Goldberg Machine! You might be wondering what […]

Home Scavenger Hunt

Having an online meeting with your Joey Scouts or Cub Scouts and need something fun? This activity is for you! Youth Members have a scavenger […]

Grow a Grass Head

Idea from Oliver, Cub Leader 2nd Gordon Scout Group Grass heads are a fun way to discover gardening at home. For instructions on how to […]

Potato Printing

Ever tried to make your own creative stamp? Do you have a design you want to see come to life? Then Potato printing is the […]

Learn a New Song

Got a passion for music and have an instrument just lying around? Have a go at learning a new song! Plan What song will you […]

Create a Picture Book

Got a creative short story you want to illustrate? Why not design a picture book? Plan What is your story? What materials do you need? […]

Design your own Sport

Ever had an idea for a game and want to bring it to life? Create your sport following these steps! Plan What are the rules […]

Write a Letter

Do you know someone who needs a bit of cheering up? Why not send them a comforting letter. Here’s how: Plan Who will you send […]