1st Jerrabomberra Scouts and Venturer Scouts EPIC Tassie Adventure 2022

1st Jerrabomberra Scout Group went on an epic adventure to Tasmania from 2 - 15 January 2022.

Despite the disappointment of AJ2022, OZVENTURE21 and NSW Cuboree 2020 having been cancelled, 27 adventurous Scouts and Venturer Scouts made up for missing out on these events by planning an amazing Youth Council activity.

People walking up snowy mountain

While they somehow managed to get some sleep, the activity unit council or “TEA party” (as it was named), packed numerous Scout and Venturer Scout led activities including day hikes, overnight hikes, caving, white-water paddling, a high wire course, a wildlife park, a wide game, two Peak Award Journeys, and patrol historical, cultural, and environmental exploration. The adventure included activities around Cradle Mountain, Walls of Jerusalem, Mersey River, Mole Creek, Arm River, Hobart, Tasman Peninsula, Port Arthur, Launceston, and Fulton Park.

Scouts smiling on top of mountain

Most of the Scouts and Venturer Scouts that attended were able to lead at least one activity to fulfill and benefit all in advancing along the Scouting Achievement Pathway, as well as promoting the ‘Scout Led, Adult Supported’ patrol system and allowing all to maximise their Scouting knowledge.

Throughout the trip, the Scouts and Venturer Scouts went through the process of helping and teaching each other the benefits of nutritional foods during OAS, appropriate equipment, and staying active and safe along the trip. These were exhibited through activities prior to departure such as dehydrating their own hike meals, kit preparation and hike essentials Scout nights, as well as trip planning. All attendees also completed a Shakeout Camp in December on Mount Kosciuszko.

Overall, the epic Tassie adventure was highlighted as an experience participants will never forget and gave them the opportunity to build memories with their friends for life.

Scouts smiling