Citizen Science Projects

Kids magnifying a butterfly

Here are some fantastic science projects to get you looking at the world a little different and expand your knowledge! Check out a few we've sourced below:

FrogID by the Australian Museum

Bushfire Environment Recovery by UNSW

City Nature Challenge Sydney

Butterflies Australia

Zooniverse - People-powered Research


What Citizen Science Project are you going to take part in?

What equipment will you need to take part in a project?

Are other Scouts interested in the same Citizen Science Project as you? Will you form a Project Patrol?

Do you want to turn this into a Unit challenge of which Patrol can make the most contributions?


How many discoveries have you/your Patrol contributed to the Citizen Science Project?

What have you discovered from your own backyard or balcony?


How do you feel you have contributed to the community?

What have you discovered about the environment around you?

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