Scouts NSW is seeking expressions of interest (EOI) from adult members to join the Adult Recognition Awards Committee (ARAC). The Committee, comprising 6 members and a chairperson, will convene from mid-February to review award nominations submitted in the 2022 round.
Adult Recognition Awards are presented to uniformed and non-uniformed adult members who have given valuable service above and beyond what is normally expected of a person in that position. Each year NSW receives between 300-400 nominations.
Committee members will ideally bring the following skills and experiences to the team:
· Understanding of Scouting roles, responsibilities, and functions.
· The ability to apply a set of established criteria to the review of individual nominations.
· Current membership of Scouts NSW as an adult member – rover, leader, or supporter. At least one member of the Committee is to be a young adult member.
The time commitment for ARAC members is over a period of approximately 4-5 weeks, with the bulk of time from 15 February to 5 March. The Committee will meet 2-3 times during that period of time, including in-person on at least one occasion. The initial meeting will take place after hours on either 15 or 16 February. The bulk of the time commitment is in the individual review of 50% of the full number of nominations. The higher-level award nominations are reviewed by all Committee members.
Please lodge your EOI (max 300 words) by 12 February 2022 to For further information contact Claire via email or on 0415 544 457 (outside of business hours)