Scouts NSW is deeply saddened, and we share our condolences at the passing of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, Head of State of the Commonwealth of Australia, and the Royal Patron of Scouts Australia.
We mourn her loss and commemorate the legacy of her service, particularly her encouragement and kindness to so many young people in supporting them to gain skills for life. As well as being the world’s longest serving Monarch, Queen Elizabeth II was a cherished Sovereign. She showed resilience in the toughest times and was the finest example of selfless service and dedication to others.
Out of deep respect for our Royal Patron, over the next ten-day period of mourning, please note the following:
- Wherever the Australian flag is on display at Scouting venues, that flag must be flown at half-mast until the day of the funeral.
- The Scouts Australia website will soon share a video tribute to Her Majesty. This can be shared and linked to from other Scout platforms and communications.
- The Chief Commissioner of Scouts Australia will write to the Governor-General and Chief Scout of Australia to extend his condolences on behalf of all Scouts in Australia.
- If you have photos or memories of Her Majesty The Queen supporting Scouts in your Region, please share these with our team at so we can amplify the reach of her impact on our Movement.
- Our Patron would not have wanted young people to miss out on skills for life. Where it feels appropriate, it is encouraged that planned experiences for young people continue, adding moments of reflection to activities so they can be delivered in a respectful way. Careful consideration should be given to the types of events and activities that go ahead, especially on the day of the announcement of her death, and on the day of the funeral.
- There are two versions of the Australian Scout Promise. Individuals may select which version they wish to make. From today onwards, for those who choose to pledge allegiance to a monarch, there will be a single change required in the Australian Scout Promise from “Queen” to “King” as shown below:
On my honour
I promise that I will do my best
To do my duty to my God, and
To the King of Australia,
To help other people,
And to live by the Scout Law
- Many Scouting venues would have a photo of the Queen on display, and it is suggested that this be retained until the new Royal Patron of Scouts Australia is confirmed.
- Any Venturer Scout Peak Awards that are already recorded as approved at the Branch will retain the name of Queen’s Scout Award, irrespective of whether they have been presented to the recipient. The processing of all new Queen’s Scout Award applications is now paused. The renaming of the Award will be confirmed upon confirmation of the next Royal Patron of Scouts Australia.
- Any media enquiries in NSW should in the first instance be directed to Silke Kerwick, Communications Manager, Scouts NSW (
Finally, on behalf of Scouts NSW, I have this morning signed the condolences book at Government House, Canberra.
May Her Majesty rest in eternal peace.
Please watch Scouts Australia’s Gone Home video here
Yours in Scouting,
Neville Tomkins OAM JP
Chief Commissioner
Scouts Australia (NSW Branch)