The Jamboree is very cost-conscious, especially in these challenging times. Rather than the usual increases due to three years of inflation, we are minimising or freezing increases.
The total cost of the Jamboree has two components – the Jamboree fee and the Contingent cost (different for each Contingent, depending on factors like transport etc).
The Jamboree fee usually increases by three years of CPI since the last Jamboree. (This could be 3 to 9 per cent.) For AJ2022, the Jamboree fee for Scouts has risen $100 since AJ2019.
For Leaders, who give up two weeks annual leave, and spend months planning for their Scouts to go to the Jamboree, the Jamboree fee has been frozen at the AJ2019 cost.
The same for Venturers and Rovers.
The NSW Contingent feel is actually lower than for AJ2019.
The cost per Scout is A$1,830 and is A$1,265 for Service leaders (including Venturers and Rovers).