I have Prior Adventurous Activity Experience

  • Many Leaders will come to Scouts with significant experience in Adventurous Activities. If this statement describes you, we have a process where you can discuss your logged experience with a Guide who can then award you Safe and Trained Participant. The steps are simple: document your logbook, contact a guide, have a conversation during which the guide will document competencies, and submit the completed documents using the Qualification Request Form.  The prior recognition forms are in this folder including a completion guide.
  • Alternatively, you can reach out to your Regional Commissioner for Activities. They will help put a plan together to recognise your prior experience. You may have to submit your evidence and work with an Assessor before having your qualifications recognised by Scouts NSW and possibly, gaining an appointment as an Adventurous Activity Guide.
  • Other Leaders, Rover Scouts and Venturer Scouts will have obtained OAS and Scoutskill qualifications and have great recent experience. If this statement describes you, we have a process where you can discuss your logged experience with a Guide who can then award you Safe and Trained Participant. The steps are simple: document your logbook, contact a guide, have a conversation during which the guide will document competencies, and submit the completed documents using the Qualification Request Form. The prior recognition forms are in this folder including a completion guide.