The membership payment portal aims to give members a simple, consistent and streamlined way of paying their Scouts NSW State Membership Fee.
In the past, members would pay their State Membership Fee (in addition to any local Group-level fees) to their Scout Group in either annual or quarterly instalments at the discretion of the Group. Scout Groups would then pay the State Membership Fee portion to Scouts NSW. This indirect process increased the administrative workloads of Group Leaders and Group Treasurers, as well as Regions administering debt collection. The introduction of the Active Kids rebate also added to Group Treasurers’ workloads.
With the payment portal, members themselves are able to manage their payment of their State Membership Fee in a simple, direct transaction to Scouts NSW. They are also able to redeem their Active Kids rebate vouchers with Scouts and have this credit automatically applied to their payment for the State Membership Fee in one simple process.
For Scout Groups, this means less time administering the State Membership Fee and more time to focus on local Scouting operations.