Type of Challenge:
This challenge can be completed either individually or as a Patrol.
Resources Required:
- Acrylic Paint
- Rock/s (Bunnings has a great supply of landscaping rocks/pebbles)
- Paint brush
- Permanent Marker
- PVA Glue or Mod Podge Outdoor
- Camera
Challenge Description:
The painted rock has really taken off during lockdown. The challenge of painting a rock and hiding it somewhere on your daily walk for someone to find and re-hide or treasure it for themselves – it’s the gift that keeps on giving. Your challenge is to paint a rock promoting your local Scout group, going for a walk, finding a spot to place it for someone to find and photograph it. How to prepare your rock:
- Pick smooth, flat rocks. You can decorate any rock, but it’s harder to decorate ones with ridges. If you can’t find them in nature, the craft stores sell them, as do home improvement centres, like Bunnings.
- Wash the rocks before decorating them. You want to remove dirt before painting. You can wash several at once with dish soap and leave in a colander to drain and dry.
- Prime your rock with white paint to help the colours that you paint on top appear more vibrant.
- Paint your design on top and use several coats – let it dry between layers.
- Use a small brush to paint small details.
- Use a permanent marker (Sharpie) to write on your rocks. Just make sure to let the paint dry before writing on top with the marker. Write your Scout Group contact details on the back.
- Finish off your rocks with a coat (or two or three) of Mod Podge Outdoor or PVA glue. This will help protect your beautiful painted rocks from the elements.
For inspiration, visit: NSW Rocks Facebook Group