Kaleidoscope 2022 – CANCELLED

Note: Kaleidoscope has been cancelled


What is Kaleidoscope?

This event is designed to provide support for Leaders and those supporting the Youth program, to help develop and build knowledge around certain elements of the program, whilst engaging through participation and creating a great networking opportunity.

Kaleidoscope is a fun packed, networking and informative weekend for all adults in Scouting supporting the Youth program. You’ll spend the weekend sharing and learning new ideas, concepts and talking about experiences that will enhance your ability to deliver and support an adventurous, fun, challenging and inclusive program experience for our Youth.

Have you ever been to a Konara, Palaver, Pow-Wow or Summit? Then Kaleidoscope is for you. ‘This is it, The Greatest Show!’

When: 7pm Friday 16 September to 1pm Sunday 18 September 2022

Where: Glenfield Scout Camp, 2 Cambridge Ave, Glenfield NSW 2167

Theme: To add to the fun, the theme for the weekend is ‘This is it, The Greatest Show!


What to expect:

Discussions on:

  • Scouts | Terrain, Operoo, ScoutLink
  • Leader Pathways and SAIT
  • Scouts4SDGs
  • Youth Safety & YSA, Know-Live-Log It, Bullying, Consent, WHS & Risk
  • Diversity & Inclusion
  • Achievement Pathways, OAS (Outdoor Adventure Skills) and SIA’s (Special Interest Areas)

There will also be program ideas and fun activities to experience, such as:

  • Archery
  • Upside down twister
  • Campfire
  • Including a selection of ‘Carnival’ fun and games

Who should go to Kaleidoscope?

Kaleidoscope is open to all Leaders, Rover Scouts and Fellowship members from across New South Wales.


How do I register?

If you have any questions or would like to know more, please send an email to the Program Support team: ypsupport@nsw.scouts.com.au