The new Adventurous Activity Hub is live!

Two weeks ago, the Chief Commissioner outlined why we are making changes in Adventurous Activities. Now we are launching the Adventurous Activity Hub, which you can access below:

From this one link, you can access everything you’ll want to know about Adventurous Activities in Scouts NSW. There are pages

  • showing you all the Activities available in NSW
  • outlining how to Get Qualified with tools and systems to help you
  • explaining how to Plan an Activity with access to resources and tools
  • introducing the Team who is here to help
  • providing all the Policies and Procedures in one place
  • giving you Resources and guides for when you need then
  • communicating the latest Adventurous Activity news

We are running two information sessions on Teams on the 8th and 10th March for 60 minutes starting at 7PM. If you would like to attend a session, please register below:

Please also let us know if you have any feedback or areas where you’d like our focus by emailing us at

Note: These pages are a work-in-progress so please check-in regularly for any new updates.