Scouts NSW email addresses and Office 365 Online E1 (Non Profit) implementation and rollout:
what it means for members
Who has received the rollout so far?
In October 2019 Scouts NSW began the active phase of rolling out Scouts NSW email addresses along with the Scouts NSW version of Microsoft Office 365 Online E1 (Non Profit) to all adult members that hold official appointments in Scoutlink. This suite of tools is totally online-based (not accessed via a desktop).
To date we have rolled out to:
At a Scout Group level:
- Group Leaders/Leaders in Charge
- Group Treasurer
- Group Chairperson
- Group Secretary
- Rover Crew Leaders
- Group Section Leaders
At a Scout Region or Scout District level:
- All official Region and District appointments that don’t currently have Scouts NSW email addresses such as DRCs, DCs, etc.
- District Commissioners (Sections)
- Region Commissioners (Sections)
In addition, the following members:
- Fellowship Members
What was rolled out?
This suite of online tools and applications includes:
What do I do now?
- All Appointments above should have received their Activation email with username and password details. Please check your primary email address as recorded in Scoutlink for the activation email. If you have not received it, and believe you should have, please contact
- If you have received your activation email for your new account and NOT activated as yet – go and activate!
- When members activate their Scouts NSW Office 365 email address, this will become the primary email address Scouts NSW uses to communicate with members instead of their current email address (e.g. Gmail, Hotmail, or other account). Please note: a non-Scouts email address will still be required as a back-up address for password resets.
- Keep your details, and your Group’s details (where relevant to your role & access) up to date in Scoutlink. We need to know if the details change.
What next?
We are building an organisational wide Sharepoint structure that will be launched in the coming months. Any questions about current access to Sharepoint, or how to request the creation of a Microsoft Team page, please have a look at the FAQ’s page Here.
You will also be receiving more information over the coming 12 months about using the Online suite of Tools that you received as part of this rollout.
Where to go for help?
FAQs: Click here
IT Support:
O365 Project related questions:
Please do not hesitate to contact us should you require any further information.