Every youth member in NSW will be mapped to the New Youth Program by 31 December 2021, so the last formal presentation of Peak Awards under the current Award Scheme will be in April 2022 (for Government House presentations).
For youth members whose Group has begun to transition onto the New Youth Program, however, there are options to still complete current Peak Awards. These options are under a strict time constraint and should be left to the discretion of the individual youth member.
For Groups that transition between April 2018 and June 2020, youth members, if they choose, will have 12 months from the completion of the Groups upskill Training to complete any current Peak Awards if they desire
The exception to this is Rover Scouts, who have 18 months from the completion of Upskill Training to complete the current Peak Award.
For Groups that transition to the New Youth Program from July 2020, all youth members will have until the 31 December 2021 to complete any current Peak Awards.