Leader Training

Training and development of adult volunteers is compulsory to ensure that our Leaders have the necessary skills and knowledge to lead young people and other adults.

Training is provided through the Scouts Australia Institute of Training – NSW Campus, a registered training organisation, which is accredited to run qualifications that are recognised outside of Scouts Australia.

To view Training Dates and Locations, please click here.

Launching our new Adult Training Pathway

Scouting provides so many opportunities for our youth members to achieve their goals and become active members of their local, national and international communities. As an adult leader, you play an integral role in supporting the development of our Scouts as they reach their full potential, whether you are directly supporting our young people or supporting your fellow adults. Scouting is often noted as having some of the best leadership training in the world – and our adult leader training just got even better!

We wanted to ensure that our adult leaders have an exceptional foundation to support youth members of any age and the refined skills to make a real difference to the development of the Scouts within their chosen age section. This saw us challenging every component of our previous curriculum and rebuilding it from the ground up, taking ideas from adult leaders and Rover Scouts at all levels. We are excited to share your new adult training curriculum!

Click here to learn more.

Scouting Skills

Scouts Australia NSW has changed the way we achieve our activity qualifications. This will allow Leaders to achieve Adventurous Activity qualifications to be able to support the youth section award scheme.

If you are interested in completing a Scout Skill Activity or a SAIT National Accreditation training, please click here to find out how to apply.

To download the Scouting Skill and Accredited Training flow chart, please click here.

If you have any questions, please contact the Scouts NSW Training Department on (02) 9735 9000.

Scouts Australia Institute of Training

There is a new way in which Leaders, Rovers and Venturer Scouts will gain qualifications. The program is an externally recognised Training Program delivered through Scouts Australia, a Registered Training Organisation (RTO).

The National Vocational Education (NVE) and Training Regulations Act (2011) came into effect on 1 July 2011. These legislated changes were made to create consistency nationally with an increased focus on monitoring the quality of training providers, trainers and courses. The standards and requirements that Scouts have been directed by in the past are now legislated.

As an RTO, Scouts NSW is committed to training and this will help the Association move to a single qualification and training system and also help Scouts NSW comply with the Training Regulations Act (2011) and new WHS legislation.

A series of documents have been developed to answer questions and provide an explanation of the new system.

For more information visit the National Training and Development Qualifications website.

Business and Leadership Qualifications

Any member of Scouts Australia who has sufficient evidence can apply for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) in relation to the following qualifications:

  • BSB20115 Certificate II in Business
  • BSB30115 Certificate III in Business
  • BSB42015 Certificate IV in Leadership and Management
  • BSB51915 Diploma of Leadership and Management

The following training pathways are also available for business and leadership qualifications.

  • Certificate II in Business: Pathway for Venturers
  • Certificate III in Business: Pathway for Leaders

Information about these qualifications and the enrolment process can be found under the Qualifications and SAIT section of eLearning.

Outdoor Recreation Qualifications

Any member of Scouts Australia who has sufficient evidence can apply for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) in relation to the following qualifications:

  • SIS20213 Certificate II in Outdoor Recreation
  • SIS30413 Certificate III in Outdoor Recreation
  • SIS40313 Certificate IV in Outdoor Recreation
  • SIS50310 Diploma of Outdoor Recreation

The following training pathways are available for Outdoor Recreation qualifications.

  • Certificate II in Outdoor Recreation: Pathway for Venturers
  • Certificate III in Outdoor Recreation
  • Certificate IV in Outdoor Recreation
  • Diploma of Outdoor Recreation

Information about these qualifications and the enrolment process can be found under the Qualifications and SAIT section of eLearning.

Activity Update

There have been recent updates in regards to the activities training. Click here to find out more.

Basic Outdoor Skills Recognition of Proficiency (ROP)

If you are a new Leader in Training (Scout, Venturer Scout, Rover) it is compulsory for you to complete the Basic Outdoor Skills (BOS) as part of your training. You have a choice to attend a Basic Outdoor Skills course or complete the ROP document.

If you choose to complete the ROP document, please send your completed workbook to State Office. You can email us your workbook at [email protected] or post your workbook to:

Scouts Australia NSW
Attn: Training Department
PO Box 125
NSW 1825

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