Are you looking for a fun activity for Joey Scouts and Cub Scouts to do at home or in the hall? Do you have an upcoming Unit, Group, District or Region fun day, camp or event planned?
Joeys and Cubs can colour in their own backsack bags!
Available for purchase online, Joey Scout and Cub Scout colour-in bags are the perfect size for day trips or can be used at camp as a mess kit/dilly bag.
The following is included with every bag set:
- Instructions,
- Set of 8 Fabric Markers,
- Protective Cardboard Sheet,
- An Activity Set,
- Coloured Pencils, and
While you can purchase a single bag, bulk purchase discounts are available and can be applied across both bag designs, combined. Scout Groups can order bags for both the Joey & Cub Units. Districts and Regions can order in bulk for District or Region events.
To purchase, click here and enter the unique code – SCOUTBAGNSW