As a Scout, things start to get pretty real! We are some of the most savvy, practical people you’re likely to meet between the ages of 11 and 14.
Through fun and adventure, we hone our outdoor survival skills and gain valuable life experience along the way.
Scouts is specially designed to target your own special and interests, and help open these worlds up for you. Throwing yourself into your favourite hobbies (and showing off a little!) is encouraged and rewarded with meaningful badges and awards.
Meanwhile, you’ll be getting up to some crazy stuff you might not have even thought of trying – epic bushwalks and camping expeditions, getting out on the water in a kayak, canoe or sailboat or even going up in a plane on a visit to our Air Activity Centre!
A young person must have had their 11th birthday prior to commencing in the Scout Section. Youth are able to commence and complete their progression to the Venturer Scout Section in the lead up to their 15th birthday.
Learning Life Skills
In Scouts, young people learn:
- Independent thinking
- Social interaction
- Leadership skills
- Problem solving
- Responsible risk taking
Girls and boys are equally involved.
Scout Promise
Each member of Scouts Australia will have the option of making either of the following two Promise versions, both of which have the support of the World Organisation of the Scout Movement.
On my honour, I promise or
To do my best,
To be true to my spiritual beliefs,
To contribute to my community and our world,
To help other people,
And to live by the Scout Law
On my honour
I promise that I will do my best
To do my duty to my God, and
To the King of Australia
To help other people, and
And to live by the Scout Law
Scout Law
We also now have one Law to be used across all five Sections of the Scouts Australia membership:
Be Respectful
Be friendly and considerate
Care for others and the environment
Do What is Right
Be trustworthy, honest and fair
Use resources wisely
Believe in Myself
Learn from my experiences
Face challenges with courage
Scouts focus on the three key headings of the Scout Law. Though the sub points may provide useful discussion points, the emphasis is on the headings for this section.
Scouts Have Fun!
Have your say in activities
The Patrol system means that everyone from the youngest to the Patrol Leader has a say and the Scout Leader is there to help make your dream activities a reality, while ensuring safety is always maintained. He or she will also guide you through the Scout Award Scheme, which recognises your own level off of ability and achievement. There are badges to be earned and you will learn skills that will stay with you for life – such as light weight camping and bush navigation, how to prepare and cook your own food, how to recognise the dangers of our environment including bush fires, how to be safe around beaches rivers and lakes and yes, how to tie some pretty useful knots.
Challenge your mind as well as your body
But not everyone is looking for the outdoor buzz all the time. So Scouts have challenging activities linked with other internet and amateur radio, performance arts such as singing dancing and acting and awards linked to citizenship, community service and personal spiritual development.
No hang-ups, no restrictions
Scouts are in every part of our Australian community, and it is not called the worldwide brotherhood of Scouting for nothing! Whatever cultural or religious background you come from, you will find a welcome at Scouts. Membership enquiries are also welcomed from those with intellectual or physical disabilities.
Scouting is definitely fun, and it also prepares you for life in the adult world by giving you responsibility for your own actions and progress. Your achievements will lay a foundation for your future success.
“I’ve had the opportunity to try heaps of new things at Scouts, like canoeing and rock-climbing, that I wouldn’t be able to do anywhere else.”

