Do you know where your ancestors came from? Why not use your time in lockdown to record some family history!
- Do you know who everyone in your family?
- Do you know how to contact them?
- Are you able to set up a virtual call – Teams, Zoom or maybe Face Time – to interview them and learn about them?
- What questions will you ask?
- When you’ve recorded your interviews, how will you join them to make a your family history story?
- Do you need technical help from someone else?
- Who will you need help from?
- Write your list of people to interview.
- Confirm when and how they want to be interviewed.
- Make sure you have an introduction for your video.
- Save your recordings somewhere safe.
- Review your recordings to see how they will best link together.
- Arrange for someone to teach you how to join all your recordings together.
- Review your full video to make sure you like the ‘story’ you have developed.
- Share your video with your family; maybe have a launch event.
- Offer to share a copy of the video with the people you interviewed.
- What skills did you learn during this activity?
- Could you teach someone else what you’ve learnt.